Whenever you open a Google Doc, Slide, or Sheet files shared by others, save pictures from Gmail to Google Drive, or download pictures via Google Drive link from the web, all the media end up in the Shared with me section. After a couple of months, you may not need those Drive files. So you can remove them and clear up the clutter so that only the files important to you are visible.

1. Google Drive Web

For the best experience, you should opt for Google Drive web to remove shared files. Here’s how. Step 1: Visit Google Drive on the web. Visit Google Drive Step 2: Sign in using your Google account details. Step 3: From the left sidebar, select Shared with me. Step 4: You will find suggested files and all the shared files with the original owner’s name, and date. The menu shall include all types of media files such as PDF, Sheets, folders, photos, and more. Step 5: Glance over the list and right-click on an file you want to remove from Google Drive. Step 6: Select Remove from the context menu, and you are good to go. If you are always on the go, you can remove shared files from Google Drive using mobile apps as well. Let’s start with Google Drive for iPhone.

2. Google Drive for iPhone

While Google has vowed to release apps with a native look and feel for iPhone users, the company still uses a user interface that closely matches Android. Follow the steps below to remove shared from the Google Drive iOS app. Step 1: Download and install Google Drive using the link below. Download Google Drive for iPhone. Step 2: Open the Google Drive app. Step 3: Tap on the Shared tab at the bottom. Step 4: Tap on the three-dot menu beside a file or folder that you want to remove. Step 5: Select Remove and confirm your decision.

3. Google Drive for Android

Google Drive recently received Material You makeover with new widgets on Android. It’s a part of Google’s design overhaul on Android. Here’s how you can remove shared files from Google Drive Android app. Step 1: Open Google Drive app on Android and go to the Shared tab on the bottom bar. Step 2: Select the more menu beside a file and tap on Remove to clear the space.

What Happens When You Remove Files That People Have Shared with You

You must be wondering what happens what you remove files that people have shared with you on Google Drive. Will removed files show up in Drive search results? How to get back access? Let’s clear some air.

If you open a file you have removed, it will appear in the ‘Shared with me’ menu again.Files you have removed may continue to show up in Drive search results.The collaborators will still have access to the Drive files that you removed.

Download Shared with Me Files

If you have collaborated with people on the share files in Google Drive, you can always download it to your PC or Mac for offline use. Step 1: Visit Google Drive on the web and go to the Shared with me menu. Step 2: Right-click on a file or folder. Step 3: Select the Make a copy option and add selected files to your Drive account. Don’t go overboard with this practice though. You should make copies of relevant files only. Otherwise, they will end up consuming a lot of Drive storage and you may require subscribing to one of the Google One plans. Step 4: To use the Shared with me files for offline use, right-click on a file or folder and select Download. Google Drive will download the file and make it available in the Downloads folder on PC.

Restrict Google Drive File Sharing

Are you constantly bothered by a specific Google account sharing Drive files with you? Google Drive offers an option to block Gmail IDs on the web. Step 1: Navigate to Google Drive on the web and go to the Shared with me menu. Step 2: Right-click on a file and select Block Google email ID, and the specific account will no longer share files with you.

Clean Up Google Drive Account

You should make a habit of removing irrelevant shared files from your Google Drive account. A cluttered Drive account only makes it harder for you to find relevant files when needed. The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.

How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 43How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 28How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 39How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 41How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 21How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 4How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 64How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 90How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 36How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 29How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 78How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 23How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 72How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 77How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 43How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 64How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 15How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 94How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 46How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 86How to Remove Shared Files from Google Drive - 91